In seminar last week we discussed the Canadian Medical Association’s “Health Care Transformation” initiative. Through this initiative, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is asking Canadians to answer three questions on their perception of health and how our health care system should be in the future.
I found the third question posed by the CMA particularly interesting- Patients and their families play an important part in their health care. What do you think Canadian’s responsibilities are, now and in the future, regarding their health?
I think that when people talk about health care, it’s easy to play the blame game. As much as the Canadian health care system might need some work, I don’t think we have much to complain about. We only have to look to the U.S. to see a complete health care mess. I like this question because it really turns the tables and encourages Canadian’s to think about what they are doing to maximize their health.
I found some interesting answers to this question posted on the CMA comment board.
readsmartease wrote “I do feel that Canadians should take a more active role in managing individual health, HOWEVER we need to have a system that not only PERMITS this activity, but embraces and supports it.”
I agree with readsmartease. This comment reminded me of the discussion in lecture about healthy public policy. We can’t expect Canadians to make healthy choices when our environments don’t support them. This idea of creating supportive environments to promote the health of individuals and communities is a health promotion concept.
kusyki wrote “Should someone who does not live a healthy lifestyle have [the same] access to major surgeries/therapies as someone who does follow [a] healthy lifestyle? [Should] a child in need of a lung transplant have to wait in line behind someone who smokes a pack a day?”
These are really difficult questions. Even though the majority of us understand that a healthy lifestyle includes eating well and exercising, this knowledge isn’t always put into practice. Many choose not to eat a healthy diet or get regular physical activity, and that’s our choice. But when is it too much? It seems like there needs to be a limit to the amount of health care dollars spent combating largely preventable illnesses that develop from lifestyle choices. It’s not like in the U.S. where people have to spend their own money on surgery to reverse the damage they have done. In Canada it’s taxpayer’s dollars paying for people to abuse their health and our health care system. Is it fair for tax payers to have to pay for the poor choices of other Canadians? What are your thoughts?
I will close with the wise words of Helene: “WE are the system, WE elect our representatives, WE make choices as a society and as individuals... Every person owes it to themselves to take care, make healthy choices, inform themselves and be pro-active. The system can only do so much - miracles are not part of their mandate.”
How do we know if someone got lung cancer from smoking or not? What about those who get lung cancer but have never smoked? What about those who exercise and eat healthy but still die of heart attack or breast cancer? And so how do we differentiate between those who get sick because of their own action/inaction, from those who get sick from other reasons? Can we even know the exact reasons of a disease? The questions keep coming...